What you give is huge

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Finding the strength to carry on with a diagnosis of incurable breast cancer.

Your support helps women like Marino find their strength to carry on. To feel the connection that each and every one of us needs to live our lives to the fullest. To know they are not alone in their time of need. That is a very special gift indeed.

Marino was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer at the age of 49.

“When I was diagnosed with breast cancer I was still working,” says Marino. “I was well. At the time, I’d never felt fitter. It was very difficult telling my family. There was an overwhelming sense of grief and sadness.”

Marino’s 12-year-old granddaughter, Isabella, lives with her full-time. Her daughter Zoe, Isabella’s mum, has bipolar disorder and struggles with depression.

“It was particularly hard for Zoe,” adds Marino. “She went into deeper depression. It was a difficult time for us all.”

Marino was referred to Sweet Louise and the next week she met with her Support Coordinator, Nadine.

“I told Nadine my story and I was given some vouchers. Nadine told me about Family Time, where Sweet Louise would help me organise a treat for myself and the kids.

“All of I sudden I could put petrol in the car. I took the kids to the movies. I could do the good stuff you do with your grandchildren. We went on a family holiday and stayed in a motorcamp.

“I am so grateful for Sweet Louise. Without Sweet Louise, I wouldn’t have those precious memories. Those times are captured in my mind and my heart.”

Marino has also been a regular at the Sweet Louise meetings where she has the chance to meet and chat with other women who have been diagnosed with incurable breast cancer.

“Sweet Louise is my strength. I haven’t missed any of the meetings, including the Zoom meetings over lockdown. The meetings bring hope, laughter and ideas. We laugh and cry together.