Life with ABC podcast series

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Life with ABC (advanced breast cancer) is a podcast series in which Jane, an experienced documentary-maker and Sweet Louise member, chats with other Sweet Louise members to share their thoughts and experiences of living with advanced breast cancer.

Episode 1: The Stage 4 bombshell 

“A diagnosis of ABC is like a bomb going off. It calls absolutely everything into question.”  The panel speak frankly about their thoughts and feelings, covering work, guilt, family – and hope.

Episode 2: Constant adjustment
“It’s a work in progress.” The panel talk through how living with ABC means constantly adjusting expectations and plans – and how it makes them appreciate life’s moments more.

Episode 3: Finding your way
“You don’t stop living. You live more honestly and truly once you’ve had this diagnosis.”

Jane and Paula talk about thinking and finding their way through advanced breast cancer, the treatments they’ve tried and how they pour hope into fear.

Episode 4: Talking with children
“One of the hardest things is telling our children what is going on.” Rachel, a young mother of two, shares her powerful insights with listeners. A child and adolescent psychologist, Lorna Wood, adds valuable advice for people who might be unsure about what to say.

Episode 5: A strong attitude
“I’m not going to let this stop me. I’m going to do that, and go there – why wait?” In the fifth and final episode, Jane explores the importance of having a positive attitude to both her illness and life. She chats with Leehane about different ways to find emotional and mental strength – including reconnecting with people, setting goals, and throwing herself into CrossFit and Strongman competitions.

Listen to the podcasts